Dashboard - Improved

With minor changes to the Ingress dashboard configuration we can add http-basic-auth to our dashboard so we get rid of the annoying token-lookup.

cd ~/homekube/src/dashboard/


Execute commands for automated upgrade:

HOMEKUBE_USER_NAME=admin-user   # or: simple-user for public access
source secure-dashboard.sh

NOTE ! If your dashboard is publicly accessible you better use the simple-user.

Alternative: do it manually

Check the result

Open the dashboard in the local browser and login with demo/demo

You can revert to the previous version when applying the previous configuration

kubectl apply -f ingress-dashboard.yaml

Public Exposure

Optionally deploy the Dashboard to the public. We do it here for the purpose of demonstration but of course in general thats not recommended for security reasons.

In ingress-dashboard-auth.yaml uncomment the host part to contain a host: dashboard.homekube.org property:

    - host: dashboard.homekube.org

then reapply the commands above:

source secure-dashboard.sh

Now access https://dashboard.homekube.org using demo/demo credentials.

Next steps

Lets create our own automated LetsEncrypt certificates with Cert-Manager.